
Who Am I

Hi! I'm Sam aka Rorazoro. I am a Full-Stack Web Developer working to get into the Game Industry as a Game Programmer. I am very passionate for video games and work towards my dream of making game development my full-time career.

I am mostly self-taught with a bit of college experience starting out. My passion has always been to be a game programmer and make games. I am still working towards that goal. Along the way, I have gained experience in the field of Web Development. I am very proficient in making ASP.NET Web Apps and Services with C# and MVC. I have also worked in mobile development using Xamarin for Android and iOS.

Over the past year or two, I have been attending game jams to get more experience with making games. I enjoyed every bit it and have made some small games that I am quite proud of. I use Unity with C# for creating my games. I have used many popular Unity libraries and technologies in my games such as Cinemachine, Mirror Networking, Shaders, Tile Grids and Brushes, and Unity's new Input System.

Why Work with Me

I am very passionate in my work and strive to be the best developer and person I can be. I do my best to balance time and quality in my projects. I am able to work well in a team and as a solo developer. I strive to be organized and efficient in my work. I value communication and feedback from my peers and clients. I speak my mind a lot, but strive to keep an open mind in all discussions and decisions. I am able to work on site and/or remote, although my preference is remote.

If you have an questions or wish to reach out, feel free to contact me